Trolley Drama/Storymakers (PK-2)

$60.00 every month for 2 months

Trolley Drama/Storymakers gives young kids a chance to dip their toes into the theatre world: collaborating on stories, playing creative games, creating characters, enjoying music and movement, and inventing stories Focusing on cooperation, we'll let our imaginations run wild as we learn the basics of creating and performance.

  • Instructor: Charlotte Hadfield

  • Mondays from 4:15-5:15 p.m.

  • Spring term: April 8-May 27

  • Meets in The Warehouse Theatre, 211 N Lewis St, Staunton VA

You’ll be billed $60 for two months. The timing of your billing is based on when you make your first purchase. You can view our cancellation and refund policy here.


Musical Theatre/Jazz Dance (Grades 1-4)
$55.00 every month for 5 months
IN PERFORMANCE: Elementary Actors Create a Show! (Grades 3-4)
$60.00 every month for 5 months